
Wild West

NOTE: This film contains demeaning and offensive material and may not be suitable for all viewers.  It reflects stereotypes of Native peoples prevalent in the 1930s. Its attitudes are not those of the American Indian Film Gallery.


Villages In the Sky

Photography: Avalon Daggett
Establishing shot: Arizona desert landscape (using deep space). Large mountain range in the background, flat plain with some foliage in the mid-ground, with  a small tree in the right foreground. This frame then dissolves into a city scene.
Named locations: Southwest; Northeastern Arizona; Painted Desert, Arizona;
Major themes covered: Daily life of the Hopi

Miracle on the Mesa

Edited by: Ann Busch
Photographed by: Toge Fujihira
Establishing shot: A kachina figure dissolves over clouds and the camera vertically descends, revealing a large canyon. In the base of the canyon water can be seen flowing. A tree in the left foreground provides depth to the shot.
Named locations: The Painted Desert; the towering Mesas of Arizona; Keams Canyon, headquarters of the Hopi Indian Agency; Pinon Junction (sign); Oraibi (sign); Tuba City (sign);

Hopi Kachina Maker


IMPORTANT: 00:00:49-00:00:58 shows wooden effigies that are sacred and not meant to be shown.

IMPORTANT: 00:05:50 Mr. Honanie explains information that uninitiated children should NOT be privy to.

Establishing shot: Film opens overlooking First Mesa, Village of Walpi. The camera then zooms in and focuses on the homes of the Walpi village.

The Hopi Indian

Establishing shot: Film opens overlooking a flowing Grand Canyon, Arizona.
Named locations: The Grand Canyon, Arizona; village of Shungopavi, Second Mesa, AZ.
Major themes covered: The daily life of the Hopi Indian.
Native activities shown

Opening shot is of the Grand Canyon, exact location unknown;

00:00:44 Shows the village of Shungopavi, on Second Mesa;

Hopi Indian Arts and Crafts

Establishing shot: Film opens with a Hopi man sitting in front of his home. A large loom can be seen behind the man, who turns and begins weaving at the loom.
Named locations: First Mesa; Second Mesa
Major themes covered: Hopi arts and crafts, including weaving, silversmithing, basket weaving, and pottery.