A.I. Film News

Find Tribesourced films at Tribesourcingfilm.com

A subset of films from the AIFG have been repatriated through a process we call "tribesourcing." Members of U.S. Southwest communities represented in the films are invited to record new narrations from the insider perspective, thereby countering the midcentury, external, "voice of god" narrator. Find "tribesourced" films, organized by community, at Tribesourcingfilm.com. Many of these films have been re-narrated by tribal community members in English and in Native languages.

AIFG wins NEH Grant for Tribesourcing

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Supports Native Narration of Midcentury Classroom Films

A University of Arizona project to repurpose midcentury non-Hollywood educational films about Native peoples of the Southwest has been awarded a three-year NEH Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grant totaling nearly $291,000, toward a $455,294 project.

Jennifer Jenkins, associate professor of English and affiliate faculty in American Indian Studies and the School of Information—all housed in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences—heads the project, which is based on the American Indian Film Gallery (AIFG), a collection of mid-20th century films that she brought to the UA in 2011. Amy Fatzinger, assistant professor of American Indian Studies, will be coordinating educational outreach for the project.

The AIFG team will travel to Native communities in Arizona and New Mexico to record new narrations by tribal members for the digitized 16mm Kodachrome films. New audio files will be linked to the digitized films in an online streaming site. Viewers may choose narration in English, Spanish and Native languages, as well as the original audio track. Jenkins calls this process “tribesourcing.”

“Tribesourcing places historical materials with the peoples they represent in order to tell the untold or suppressed story. While these films were made under the auspices of the mainstream culture of the day, this project seeks to balance the historical record, shifting from external perceptions of Native peoples to the voices and knowledge of the peoples represented in the films.”



Great Tribal Leaders Oral HIstory Project

Produced by the Institute for Tribal Government at Portland State University in 2004, the landmark “Great Tribal Leaders of Modern Times” interview series presents the oral histories of contemporary leaders who have played instrumental roles in Native nations' struggles for sovereignty, self-determination, and treaty rights. The leadership themes presented in these unique videos provide a rich resource that can be used by present and future generations of Native nations, students in Native American studies programs, and other interested groups.

See: Great Tribal Leaders of Modern Times

Oregon Tribes' anthropologist bridges two worlds

GRAND RONDE — David G. Lewis signs his emails with a phrase of Chinuk Wawa, the language of his ancestors, and its English translation: “Go Ducks!”

It’s a subtle and mischievous nod to the two worlds that he straddles as a dual citizen of the United States and the sovereign nation known as The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

As the tribes’ museum curator and cultural liaison, David, 47, is a bridge between non-Indian society and the tribes that once roamed most of Western Oregon. In five years, he has put 130,000 miles on his ’99 Camry to teach and testify throughout the state. Read more

American Indian Language Development Institute: June 3-28, 2013 in Tucson

Taking Language Home: Ensuring the Survival and Maintenance of Indigenous Languages Beyond the Classroom

In 1990, the American Indian Language Development Institute, found a permanent home at the University of Arizona. With support from the department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies (formerly known as Language, Reading and Culture) College of Education, American Indian Studies, Linguistics and the Graduate College, AILDI has been able to offer a sustained Indigenous language education experience to hundreds of students, community members,educators, scholars, researchers and language advocates. For a complete list of past institutes click here.

Frances Dunsmore recording Native American speech and song, 1916

As posted on Retronaut:http://www.retronaut.com/2012/07/recording-mountain-chief-1916/

“As a child, Frances Densmore (1867– 1957) developed an appreciation of music by listening to the nearby Dakota Indians. 

“Densmore began recording music officially for the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE) in 1907. She worked with the Chippewa, the Mandan, Hidatsa, the Sioux, the northern Pawnee of Oklahoma, the Papago of Arizona, Indians of Washington and British Columbia, Winnebago and Menominee of Wisconsin, Pueblo Indians of the southwest, the Seminoles of Florida, and the Kuna Indians of Panama.” 

- Wikipedia
