President of Philips 66 Oil Company speaks on behalf of employing Indians in TV Public Service Announcement from the National Congress of American Indians
from TV station KTUL in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this award-winning documentary probes the history of five Oklahoma tribes: Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee, called by the U.S. government, “The five civilized tribes.”
from TV station KTUL in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this award-winning documentary probes the history of five Oklahoma tribes: Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee, called by the U.S. government, “The five civilized tribes.”
(Cheeka's Home) Part 1 of an adaption of the silent film about Ojibway life and turmoils, Silent Enemy - intended for use in elementary schools, this film offers an idealized image of Indian life before the white man, an existence filled with animal life
from TV station KTUL in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this award-winning documentary probes the history of five Oklahoma tribes: Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee, called by the U.S. government, “The five civilized tribes.”
Paintings of the Chumash Indians portrait of ancient Indian people who lived in coastal Southern California and left significant examples of their culture
from TV station KTUL in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this award-winning documentary probes the history of five Oklahoma tribes: Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee, called by the U.S. government, “The five civilized tribes.”