Eskimo (Inuit) (Yup'Ik)

Kotzebue 8

Named locations:  Kotzebue Sound (named and shown); Kotzebue; Ralph Wien Memorial Airport (shown)

Major themes covered: The KYUK TV Productions Collection: scenes of everyday life

Individuals Named:  No one specific, but ancestors are referred to in general

Kotzebue 7

Named locations:
Major themes covered:
Fourth of July Festival in Kotzebue; blanket toss; Eskimo games; Inupiat dancing, chanting, and singing; oral tradition; traditional Eskimo garments (decorated mukluks and parkas)Native activities shown:  
Individuals Named: 
Native language spoken:

Kotzebue 6

Named locations: Kotzebue

Major themes covered: The KYUK TV Productions Collection: interview and more July 4 festivities.  Eskimo Games; Trade Fair; Men's High Kick; Women's High Kick; Festival Games;
4th of July circa 1975; Eskimo language in schools

Native activities shown:  
Individuals Named:
Myrtis McCafferty (now Myrtis McCafferty-Gregg); Rita Curtis; Brad Williams; Arnold Smith; Danny Field; Charlie; Reggie

Native language spoken:

Kotzebue 5

Named locations: Kotzebue
Major themes covered: Eskimo Olympics (women's and men's tug-o-war and trampoline); Children's Beauty Contest; Kotzebue subsistence (note the way that the children in the beauty contest, as well as their presenters, are dressed in beautiful, traditional mukluks and parkas. All of the games at these Olympics revolve around practices of subsistence and the preservation of Eskimo culture and traditions.)

Kotzebue 4

Named locations: Nana Regional Corporation (which includes Kotzebue and the other ten villages that comprise the Inupiat Eskimo territory); Arctic Slope Regional Corp. (shown, not mentioned); Doyon Regional Corp. (shown); Bering Strait Native Corp. (shown); the eleven villages (Kivalina, Noatak, Kotzebue, Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik, Ambler, Kobuk, Shungnak, Deering, and Buckland); Kotzebue Sound; North Slope; Southern Alaska; Bering Strait

Frontiers of the North

Establishing shot:
Named locations:
Major themes covered:  (Parts 1 and 2): the Canadian Government Arctic Expedition begins to organize the Northwest Territories and encounters realities of its natives and wild animals in 1922
Native activities shown:  
Individuals? Named?  
Native language spoken:
Audible?  silent
Noteworthy elements:  
Other notes:

Northward to Nome

Establishing shot:
Named locations:
Major themes covered: Sullivan Richardson adventure film in Alaska
Native activities shown:  
Individuals? Named?  
Native language spoken:
Audible?  silent
Noteworthy elements:  
Other notes:

North West Frontier

Establishing shot:
Named locations:
Major themes covered: study of Indians, Eskimos, and whites living together and interacting in settlements in Canada’s Northwest Territories
Native activities shown:  
Individuals? Named?  
Native language spoken:
Audible?  silent
Noteworthy elements:  
Other notes:
