White Mountain Apache Culture Center 3
Establishing shot:
Named locations:
Major themes covered: Edgar Perry continues his stories
Native activities shown:
Individuals? Named?
Native language spoken:
Audible? silent
Noteworthy elements:
Other notes:
Establishing shot: Apache woman walks with two children; scene then moves to
Named locations: White Mountains
Native activities shown: life on an Apache Indian reservation
Individuals? Named?
Native language spoken:
Audible? yes
Noteworthy elements:
Other notes: "This picture was made through the courtesy of United States Department of Interior Office of Indian Affairs Supervision by Alfred Whiting Museum of Northern Arizona"
Establishing shot: Ancestral homelands of the Apache make up the establishing shot. There is a group of Apache on the right, a mother and her small children. The White Mountains can be seen in the center background. A traditional wickiup can be seen to the left.
Named locations: White Mountains, Arizona;
Major themes covered: The daily life of the Apache Indian; Apache puberty ceremonies
Establishing shot: Camera focuses on a road sign that reads “Apache;” this frame then cuts to several Apache men dressed in ceremonial Ga'an attire at a dance. The men have paint on their bodies and wear large ceremonial crowns. One man wears a full head mask.
Named locations: the Southwest; Cochise (sign); Apache County (sign); El Cochise Motel (sign); Cochise Stronghold (sign); Apache Stronghold Memorial Park, Arizona; White Mountains, eastern Arizona;