The Apache Indian
Establishing shot: Ancestral homelands of the Apache make up the establishing shot. There is a group of Apache on the right, a mother and her small children. The White Mountains can be seen in the center background. A traditional wickiup can be seen to the left.
Named locations: White Mountains, Arizona;
Major themes covered: The daily life of the Apache Indian; Apache puberty ceremonies
Native activities shown: Groups of Apache dancing; Apache man beating a drum; An Apache woman preparing a meal, including grinding corn; A woman working with beads and a bead loom; A woman working with pottery; Women eating together; Men standing around horse corrals; A woman putting a young baby into a cradleboard; Women tending to corn crops; Men riding horses; Men herding cattle on horseback; Apache rodeo scenes (calf roping); Young girls at a puberty ceremony, dancing; Puberty ceremony; The Apache spirit dance;
Individuals? Named? Geronimo is mentioned in the opening narration; no other individuals are named.
Native language spoken: Apache is used in native songs throughout the film;
Audible? Yes, both the Apache language and English narration is audible.
Noteworthy elements: The film has interesting information about the female puberty ceremony. Also, shows men doing a spirit dance after the puberty ceremony.
Other notes: This picture was made through the courtesy of the United States Department of Interior Office of Indian Affairs, supervision by Alfred Whiting, Museum of Northern Arizona.